Perhaps unheard of, but in the era of frequent civilizational diseases and post-pandemic times, it is essential information that you must understand early. (Mitochondria)

The 'Mitochondrial Regeneration Therapy' has been increasingly valued and focused on in recent years as a regenerative medical technology, simultaneously marking a new milestone in the application of mitochondrial medicine. Many cutting-edge medical teams have discovered that directly providing healthy mitochondria to damaged areas, including the heart, brain, lungs, etc., can enable damaged cells to receive healthy mitochondria, improving damaged tissues and restoring organ function.

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The human power plant「mitochondria」

All the cells in the human body are filled with mitochondria, especially in the heart, brain, and muscles. Dr. Chen Junxu, a natural medicine doctor from the United States, pointed out that the energy produced by mitochondria can enable the brain to think, the heart to beat, the lungs to breathe, the liver to detoxify, and the limbs to move... etc., facilitating the overall functioning of the human body.

Research in recent years has even discovered that mitochondria are not only the power plant of the human body, they are also responsible for regulating gene expression and stress response, and play a key role in the production, secretion and regulation of neurotransmitters.

Below are several common ways to activate mitochondria.

Through dietary intake
Through exercise activation
Through adjusting daily routines
Through biomedical technology

Mitochondrial applications field

Mitochondria are the energy factories of human cells. Without fully charging the mitochondria to generate energy, cells cannot function and survive. Many modern chronic diseases, including cancer, are believed by some scholars to be most likely caused by mitochondrial imbalance, and this imbalance is likely to be the source of more than 90% of diseases. Fortunately, current biomedical technologies, such as related mitochondrial activation technology foods such as Mito Energy, Mito Peptide, and Mitoslim Coffee produced by Taiwan Mitochondrion Applied Technology Co.,Ltd., have the technical support of as many as 87 national patents. The most convenient way to adjust our own mitochondria to help us regain health easily. The following is an introduction to mitochondrial application areas.

  • Applied in Organelle Regenerative Medicine – Mitochondria not only provide cellular energy but also coordinate physiological functions, such as oxidative stress, intracellular communication, and apoptosis. In recent years, mitochondrial replacement therapy has been considered for treating mitochondrial-related diseases and aging. Therefore, Taiwan Mitochondrion Applied Technology Co.,Ltd. focuses on developing mitochondrial biologics for conditions such as stroke, lung injury, neurodegenerative diseases, and infertility. We are the world's first team to develop mitochondrial biologics and analyze big data on bioenergetic health indices.
  • Applied in Stem Cell Therapy – Stem cells are primitive and undifferentiated cells with the potential to regenerate various tissues and organs. In medicine, stem cells have long been recognized for their therapeutic potential in treating damage caused by diseases, aging, genetic factors, or injuries. By screening and enhancing mitochondrial function, the quality and functionality of stem cells can be significantly improved, resulting in enhanced therapeutic effects. Taiwan Mitochondrion Applied Technology Co.,Ltd.'s mitochondria-activated stem cells have been proven effective in treating diseases such as Parkinson's disease, osteoarthritis, and multiple system degeneration.
  • Applied in Immunocell Therapy – Immune cells refer to all cells involved in the immune response, originating from hematopoietic stem cells and differentiating into various types of immune cells in the human body, such as dendritic cells, natural killer cells, T cells, and B cells. These immune cells play specific roles in protecting the body against harmful substances. Immunocell therapy is considered an adjunctive therapy for cancer treatment with significant potential and development internationally. Mitochondria-activated killer cells developed by Taiwan Mitochondrion Applied Technology Co.,Ltd. enhance mitochondrial activity through an ex vivo expansion culture system, resulting in immune cells with superior function and activity.

Symptoms of Mitochondrial Deficiency and Aging

In Taiwan, there are more than 50 known diseases related to mitochondrial deficiency, which have been included in the government's list of rare diseases. These diseases can occur at any age, from newborns to adults, and present with a variety of clinical symptoms, including seizures, epilepsy, developmental delay, intellectual disability, ptosis, abnormal liver function, gait instability, muscle weakness, movement disorders, thyroid problems, lactic acidosis, optic atrophy, hearing problems, gastrointestinal diseases, and diabetes.

Degenerative Neurological Diseases

Degenerative neurological diseases primarily affect the central nervous system, resulting in symptoms such as motor dysfunction and memory loss. In addition to congenital genetic abnormalities causing neurological damage, degenerative neurological diseases are most common in older adults. Aging is the greatest risk factor for these diseases, which differ from healthy aging as they are more intense and destructive. As bodily functions decline with age, mitochondria within nerve cells are heavily damaged by oxidative free radicals. Accumulation of damaged mitochondria, unable to repair themselves, leads to neuronal cell death as the cells cannot clear these dysfunctional mitochondria. Due to the limited replication and regeneration capacity of nerve cells, their death can result in permanent damage. Conditions such as Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, Huntington's disease, and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis are all examples of degenerative neurological diseases caused by mitochondrial damage.

Cardiovascular Diseases

When mitochondria are damaged and not immediately repaired, the primary impact is a reduction in energy production, and mitochondria also generate large amounts of free radicals, which immediately impact heavily working heart tissues. Patients with heart disease have been found to have decreased mitochondrial activity, leading to reduced energy production efficiency, causing ventricular hypertrophy and loss of contractile function, ultimately leading to heart failure. Additionally, in hypertensive conditions, the number of mitochondria within myocardial cells also decreases, resulting in decreased mitochondrial activity and other issues. After myocardial infarction and subsequent blood reperfusion, mitochondrial fragility and damage occur in myocardial cells, leading to the generation of large amounts of free radicals and inducing cell death. The excessive generation of destructive free radicals by mitochondria also oxidizes the bad low-density lipoprotein in the blood, exacerbating damage to the vascular wall and increasing the occurrence of atherosclerosis.

Metabolic Diseases

The occurrence of type 2 diabetes is also related to mitochondrial dysfunction because damaged mitochondria in pancreatic cells prevent normal insulin secretion. Furthermore, the ability of mitochondria in muscle, liver, and adipose cells to detect energy is impaired, leading to a decrease in the ability of cells to store and metabolize glucose, resulting in persistently high glucose levels in the blood, causing diabetes. Secondly, contrary to the common belief that cancer is a genetic disease, its correlation with genes is not as high as imagined, or rather, cancer is actually one of the metabolic diseases. The upstream cause of cancer is the malfunction of mitochondria, to be more precise, oxidative phosphorylation has problems. The reason why the United States has invested countless manpower, material resources, and financial resources in researching cancer therapy, but has almost failed, is because the focus on the causes of cancer has been misplaced.

Immune System

The immune system is the body's defense against foreign invaders. When pathogens pass through the barriers of the skin and mucous membranes, there are immune cells in the body that can protect against external attacks. These immune cells can be divided into two major groups, the innate immune response and the adaptive immune response. Macrophages and natural killer cells mainly participate in the nonspecific innate immune response. The role of mitochondria is significant in these immune cells. When macrophages detect foreign substances, they require a large amount of energy to quickly move closer to the pathogens, engulf them, and then clear them. During the process of macrophages engulfing and killing bacteria, mitochondria are needed to provide bactericidal free radicals to eliminate pathogens. Natural killer cells also require mitochondria inside cells to provide a large amount of energy, prolong cell life, and combat and eliminate infected cells. In terms of time, the cells involved in the innate immune response are then the activation of adaptive immunity, including the activation of T cells and B cells. Healthy mitochondria can help T cells differentiate and proliferate, initiate specific cytotoxicity, and also allow B cells to differentiate and mature, producing antibodies. Therefore, maintaining healthy mitochondrial function can prevent the decline in immune system function and facilitate resistance to pathogen invasion.

Pulmonary Diseases

The lungs and bronchi are organs in the body that are easily exposed to external pollutants. Whether combating external viruses or bacteria, or even suspended particles of PM2.5 pollution in the air, they all need to pass through the respiratory tract. These pollutants can easily cause damage to lung tissues, especially causing damage to mitochondrial DNA in lung cells, generating large amounts of oxidative free radicals, prompting a series of inflammatory reactions, keeping the lungs in a state of chronic inflammation, which may cause asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pulmonary fibrosis, and other diseases. Particularly, smokers also tend to produce large amounts of oxidative free radicals in mitochondria, which can cause considerable damage to the lungs over the long term. Compared to chronic lung diseases, in acute lung injury and acute respiratory distress syndrome, because mitochondrial damage in lung cells is severe, rapidly damaged mitochondria induce rapid cell death in lung cells, immediately causing loss of lung gas exchange function, and inability to breathe. The mortality rate of patients with acute lung injury and acute respiratory distress syndrome is quite high, and there are currently no effective therapeutic drugs available.

Mitochondrial Defects

Mitochondria are where cells in the body generate energy and can be likened to the "power plants" of cells. When they become ill, they cannot release enough energy. The distribution of mitochondrial DNA is random, as each cell contains thousands of mitochondria, and each mitochondrion has 2-10 mitochondrial DNA, so it is not certain which mitochondrion DNA is problematic. Currently, more than fifty diseases in Taiwan are known to be possibly related to mitochondrial defects, and mitochondrial diseases have been classified as rare diseases; and there are approximately 300-400 families in the country with mitochondrial gene defects, with a defect rate of 1/10,000. In the brain: headaches, seizures, consciousness disorders, cortical blindness, hemiplegia, intellectual disabilities, delayed psychomotor development, brainstem dysfunction, etc. In muscles: various degrees of muscle lesions, heart or myocardial hypertrophy, atrioventricular conduction abnormalities, drooping eyelids or ptosis, paralysis of external eye muscles, optic nerve atrophy, retinal lesions, kidney or renal tubular dysfunction, liver or liver dysfunction, pseudo-intestinal obstruction, bone marrow dysfunction, subcutaneous lipomas, etc., may all be problems caused by mitochondrial defects.


Is it possible to activate mitochondria without time for exercise or when the body is already showing symptoms?

Health won't wait for you, come and activate your mitochondria now.

Recharge to activate mitochondria and mitochondrial dysfunction.

The human body's mechanisms are intelligent. After exercise, it increases the number and efficiency of mitochondria so that it can cope with similar intense exercises next time. This is called "upward adaptation". Conversely, if you don't exercise regularly or are often sedentary, the body will think it doesn't need much energy and will decrease the number and efficiency of mitochondria. This is called "downward adaptation".

How to charge mitochondria efficiently
  • prevention
    Intake through diet

    Assist mitochondrial antioxidants by consuming superfoods such as spinach, salmon, guava, and cauliflower that can support mitochondrial function.

  • prevention
    Activation through exercise

    For example, walking, ultra-jogging or playing table tennis, the intensity of the exercise should not be too high. It can train the mitochondria of the whole body, and the body will be healthier.

  • prevention
    By adjusting work and rest schedule

    The consequences of poor mitochondrial function caused by long-term poor sleep quality, such as the risk of depression, arthritis, diabetes or asthma, will be relatively increased.

  • prevention
    Through biomedical technology

    Finally, use Taiwan Mitochondrion Applied Technology Co.,Ltd. The mitochondrial food produced by the company is available in as many as With the technical support of 87 Taiwanese patents, it can adjust its own mitochondria in the most convenient way.

Causes of mitochondrial dysfunction
  • don't do
    Prefer high-sugar diet

    Frequent consumption of fried chicken and sugary drinks will not only cause inflammation in the body, but also weaken the mitochondrial function.

  • don't do
    Frequent exposure to poisons

    Air pollution, radiation pollution such as medical diagnostic radiation, electromagnetic waves, etc., as well as heavy metal and toxin pollution can damage mitochondrial function.

  • don't do
    High-pressure work and rest disorder

    Mild stress can help the body repair, but chronic stress or severe stress in a short period of time can cause mitochondrial decline and apoptosis.

  • don't do
    Long-term lack of exercise

    Normally not exercising or always lying in bed, the body will think that it does not need too much energy, which will reduce the number and efficiency of mitochondria. After a vicious cycle, aging diseases are the inevitable result.

Taiwan Mitochondrion Applied Technology Co.,Ltd Supervise products

Mitochondria are not just a product, they are the generator of cells and a black technology for achieving health.

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Mito Energy

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